How to Honor Your Husband (Part I)

Honor means to show regard or respect for someone. Everyone wants to be respected and appreciated for who they are. Men are specially designed by God to be honored by their spouses. What you do or don’t do determine whether you honor him. Men are to love their spouses, while women are to submit to their spouses as commanded by God for a happy marriage. So many women are prompted to ask the question, how do I honor my husband?

There are many ways to practically honor your husband

1.      Fulfilling your marital vows: Living in the unity of mind and purpose with him at all times in the same house. Doing what your mouth promised to him without excuses.

2.      Obedience: This is the test of your love for him; if you love him, obeying him comes naturally to you. So also, you should not take him for granted because he is your husband, because many women have lost their marriage due to over-familiarity. Be found doing all to please your own husband under God.

3.      Setting out time to fast and pray for your husband: Mentioning his name before God arouses divine attention on him and a divine aroma. Thus, committing him and his ways to God.

4.        Honouring your husband with your body: Giving your body to your husband alone at all times in a sexual relationship, knowing fully well that you belong to each other. Be faithful to him. Give him your time; listen with rapt attention while he speaks to make a reasonable conversation. Whenever you deny your husband, you are giving the devil an opportunity in your home to operate, by exposing him to temptations around.

5.      Give him a special treat: always give him his favorite meals in his special plates & cutleries, take your time to cook good meals for him, and remember to always give him your best. Shower him with gifts on his special dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc.

6.      Welcome him home in the way he wants. Greet him well, with hugs, and kisses, and maybe in his cultural way. Let him know that you appreciate him as the head of your family.

7.      Nourish him with complementary words like thank you, I love you, and I miss you.

Honoring your husband is the major ingredient you need to completely win him over to yourself, so the first thing to do is take note of his complaints and the basis of your conflicts to make amends and make him always eager to come home after work. Honor begets honor; if you honor your spouse, he will honor you in return, and your home will be heaven on earth. You will have successfully built his self-esteem.

Mother Sarah is a perfect example of a woman who respected her husband, and Bible enjoins us to follow in her footsteps. 1 Peter 3:6 says; as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. It is a good thing to honor your husband as your own lord.

Vashti lost her place as a wife, queen, leader, etc., to another because she simply refused to honor the king, her husband before his guests, and his entire kingdom as a whole. Maybe she suddenly became full of herself and the beauty that she took for granted the king’s order. Had she known that would lead to her exit from the palace, she would not have done taken her husband’s request for granted. Sister, don’t take your husband for granted. We have a good example in Mother Sarah.

As you honor your spouse, God Almighty will honor you. 
